Special TODAY ONLY Offer – Start Living The Life You Love – TODAY! To Celebrate the Start of British Summertime….

Value beyone price is what readers say! And I want to help more people than ever break free to create the life they love! Summer is on the Way and Spring is about to start. We’re already a quarter into

Celebrating #WorldBookDay 4th March 2021 with a Valuable FREE GIFT for you, Because Amazing Things Can Happen When You Least Expect!

“Valerie writes from her real-life, lived-through experience. This is no ‘do as I say’ instruction manual, but the wisdom of a guide who has been there, bought the T-shirt and emerged, resilient and exhilarated, as a woman with a mission to serve and empower others. She holds her torch high to light the path ahead, and outlines the steps with warmth and enthusiasm.
This book is for anyone who is feeling dispirited, confused or seeking the courage to create the life they desire. It is not a theoretical aspiration, but written from the perspective of ‘you already have it’; it’s already done, so just keep going. Don’t look down, don’t look back. There is nothing to fear and all the courage you need is available to you”.


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