EPISODE 1 The Prequel – In a Galaxy not so far away…. You’ve Got This! The journey begins….

interview when the amazingly talented Singer Songwriter and Performer @TallyKoren Internationl Singer |Tally Koren | Pop Music invited me on to her ‘What Holds You Back’ Podcast and Vlog when my book ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! was published – during

Episode 1 -In a Galaxy Not So Far Away…The ‘You’ve Got This!’ Journey Begins

Episode 1 -In a Galaxy Not So Far Away…The ‘You’ve Got This!’ Journey Begins

How did this begin? I was about to make an announcement, to share an exciting new collaboration that is happening right now and leading up to 3 very Special events….that will create 3 special things happening in the world.

NOT What You Think! But This Really Works!

gle BEST way to transform your inner programming – and in turn, your life -is by understanding how your mind truly works – and retuning yourself for peakperformance and extraordinary success.

Uncover Your No #1 #FreedomBlocker In This Uncannily Accurate #FREE #FAST #QUIZ

I couldn’t wait to show you this proven fascinating free test online from my long-time friend Natalie Nedwell, founder of Mind Movies – because this is precisely what somany of us need right now! It’s a simple – but blindingly

Celebrating #WorldBookDay 4th March 2021 with a Valuable FREE GIFT for you, Because Amazing Things Can Happen When You Least Expect!

“Valerie writes from her real-life, lived-through experience. This is no ‘do as I say’ instruction manual, but the wisdom of a guide who has been there, bought the T-shirt and emerged, resilient and exhilarated, as a woman with a mission to serve and empower others. She holds her torch high to light the path ahead, and outlines the steps with warmth and enthusiasm.
This book is for anyone who is feeling dispirited, confused or seeking the courage to create the life they desire. It is not a theoretical aspiration, but written from the perspective of ‘you already have it’; it’s already done, so just keep going. Don’t look down, don’t look back. There is nothing to fear and all the courage you need is available to you”.

Sometimes…. #Thoughtoftheday

Unclear on what the future holds? Wish you had a clear Vision for your life and business/career PLUS the Blueprint and Road Map to take you to exactly what is right for you in your current situation?

LIVE! WITHOUT A WHISTLE, BANG OR FANFARE!You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life! Paperback quietly appeared on Amazon this morning.

Valerie has created something special that helps you achieve your goals in a practical and refreshing way. You’ve got to get this book… now! Highly recommended.” I have read many books over the years but none that gave me the insights and transformational change as ‘You’ve Got This, No Matter What’.

LOL! IT HAPPENS! The Universe Decides!

It seems the paperback book of the programme they said is like “The Secret, The Law of Attraction and Cosmic Ordering rolled into one and on Rocketfuel” is not ready to hit the shelves yet!

3 Exciting Things Are Happening Here Right Now at My Wonderful Life Coach™ HQ!! AND Each Of These Causes Some Very Special Things To Happen Elsewhere In The World Right Now!

There has never been a better opportunity to review your life and decide the future you REALLY want! You have two choices. Go ‘Back to Normal’ or ‘Create the New Normal, that is the one you know in your heart you truly desire. This life is not a rehearsal. Chris Henry talks about the and it’s a sobering thought. And they can be happy and abundant – or otherwise!

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE! Our #CourageTiger cover for ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life!’ #Book has had a Makeover ready for the Paperback Launch this Sunday – 11th October 2020 12noon – 4.00pm SPECIAL! Can You SPOT THE DIFFERENCE?

https://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/youvegotthis is where you can join our community. You’ll receive paperback launch information for ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life! plus the Destination Me™ Intensive Life Change programme on which it is based, and more.


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