It’s official! Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of? is my Best Big Book 2011 (well approx 300 action packed pages) – so far! If I could give you a copy I’d do it – best is to suggest you get yours right now – and enter the Blurb writing competition before 30th April 2011!

Don’t be deceived! Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of? is not only…for writers, authors, journalists.. but very much also…for everyone, entrepreneurs especially, whose aim is to raise their profile!! Never was learning what’s great for you so much fun!

Wannabe a Writer We've Heard Of? author
Jane Wenham-Jones, author Wannabe a Writer We've Heard Of?

Jane (she’s done it again) Wenham-Jones has the reputation of “self-confessed media tart”. You name it – or haven’t yet thought of it – and Jane (is there anything she wouldn’t do to raise her profile?) has already been there and done that to get the publicity that gets her face (and the rest of her) onto celebrity shows, into celebrity networks and her books onto the best-selling lists.

Packed from cover to cover, in this latest edition, the follow up to her hugely successful “Wannabe a Writer”,  she has summoned the expertise, advice, do’s and don’ts of people, authors, celebrities, prs – people we’ve heard of –  who used their wit to become household names through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books and have significantly expanded their networks with social media.

Fabulously funny with wicked sense of humour Jane reveals all about her antics as a novice then developing her expertise leading on to extremely clever exploits covering the “Campaign Trail” plus how to:-  find 1001 topics for your press releases, perfect your elevator pitch; hone your ‘shout line’ or ‘sound bite’ and so vitally shares ‘what not to do’s’, stark warnings drawn from practical experience.

Keep your notebooks or marker handy because you learn something valuable on just about every one of 300 or so pages, excellent internet pros and cons, blogging, Facebook and much more including the finale “Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of? Blurb Writing Competition”

‘Useful Info’ details things to join, read, do plus online tools, websites and blogs to visit. The knockout Index reads like ‘Who’s Who’ and contains more important web and blog addresses that will help on your journey to be heard of than you can shake a stick at! Jane’s thought of everything – from what to wear, say and do in every situation to (and what not to) to hair colour and wrinkle removal! You know that people make up their mind about you within 3 seconds of seeing you, even if you never speak one word! Frightening thought!

Yes, I admit it, Jane and I know each other! We met through “Women Speakers”, (there’s a very useful quote on pr from MD Sylvia Tidy-Harris) where we’ve both been represented as inspirational public speakers. It was still a surprise though to be asked to contribute a few snippets to Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of? Was it perhaps as a newsletter publisher, or blogger, or my exploits as owner of a successful international marketing, pr and communications agency resulting in volumes of media coverage and television, radio and personal appearances for myself and clients? Who knows!

Exploits from my own unwritten story do mean that I recognise something brilliant when I see it! And what Jane has pulled together for us definitely is! Admit surprise though to read “As Valerie Dwyer warned me darkly…” so I leave you to find out what that is all about! There’s ALWAYS something new to learn and you’ll certainly find it here. Learning was never such fun!

Are you worthy? Well find out. Get on and enter the Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of? Blurb Writing competition (see back pages entry form) for the chance to get published and a slap up lunch in a top London restaurant with author and ‘media tart’ Jane Wenham-Jones; Accent Press Managing Director Hazel Cushion and W H Smith book buyer Matthew Bates. Come on, what are you waiting for? For more visit follow

Highly Recommended – Read all my reviews:

WANNABE A WRITER WE’VE HEARD OF? by Jane Wenham-Jones – Reviewed by Valerie Dwyer – Serial Entrepreneur, Coach, Mentor, Inspirational Speaker, founder of My Wonderful Life Coach™, Everything is Possible™, and other enterprises.

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