My Prediction for 2020!? A Visionary, I’m forecasting that #Vision will be the BIGGEST #Trend in 2020

My BIG Prediction for 2020!? A Visionary, I’m forecasting that #Vision will be the BIGGEST #Trend in 2020 #Vision is without a doubt the source of everything and it truly makes Everything that is Possible. But how long has it

How Can You Set Yourself Up for Your Best Year (and Life) Ever… #2020 Vision or #Vision2020? What do they mean for you?

“Like getting The Law of Attraction, The Secret and Cosmic Ordering all together, at once, and adding Rocketfuel!” Clients say it far better than I can about the change they go through….

Wow! It’s That Time of Year Again! Delighted to be sending you Season’s Greetings for a Happy Holiday and Wonderful Sustainable #VitalVision2020 Filled New Year!

Season’s Greetings for a Happy Holiday and Wonderful Sustainable #VitalVision2020 Filled New Year!

This Season’s Greetings for #Peace #Joy #Love #Sustainability #Sharing #Caring through #Vision #Believe #Achieve #Succeed

Have a #Wonderful, Magical and Merry #Entrepreneurs Christmas + My Calming Gift Awaits You

  Have a #Wonderful, Magical and Merry Christmas for You and Yours. Should it all get a bit too much or indeed for any reason you need to clear your head during or after the festivities pop over to My

I LOVE this Quiz! Short and Sweet 30 Seconds to Shine a Light on Your Subconscious and Stifle Your Success Blockers!

Short and Sweet Quiz – Shine a Spotlight on Your Subconscious and Stifle Your Success Blockers! No matter how happy and successful you are, if you’ve even an inkling that there’s still something missing (or not) have 30 Seconds of

Excited!! To Announce the Upcoming Launch of My #Wonderful New eBook ‘Clear Your Mind Clutter’ in Limited Edit – Step One to Adding Rocket Fuel to ‘The Law of Attraction, The Secret and Cosmic Ordering’

Finally! Hot off the Press! My #Wonderful NEW ebook ‘Clear Your Mind Clutter’ is about to launch!! BUT the first run is a Limited Edition – there will only be  10 copies available initially Why do I need to know

Update! #1000women How To Get the Clarity to Speak from Your Heart with Courage, Confidence and Charisma…my new talk for Virtual Speaking Professionals online Conference plus news of my valuable FREE Gift to you..

That’s It! Title Sorted. Phew, what a relief! It’s always a challenge to craft a title that conveys all you want to, in as few words as possible. ‘How To Get the Clarity to Speak from Your Heart with Courage,

#1000Women ! Delighted To Be Invited To Share My Story!! Booking Now Open! Join Me, Valerie Dwyer, My Wonderful Life Coach™ Live Online with Wendy Kier and 15 Professional Women Speakers, 2nd – 6th October 2017!

Woman Entrepreneurs: Do you want to use speaking to grow your business but don’t know where to start? Join #1000Women Now! Delighted To Be Invited To Share My Story!! Booking Now Open! Join Me, Valerie Dwyer, My Wonderful Life Coach™


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