Mel Colling, Purpose Driven Projects, Advance Review for You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life #Book

What can you say when your favourite Podcaster, Mel Colling – creator of Connected Leaders and Experts on Air – skilled Project Manager not only reads your book BUT does the exercises to prove they work , then is so delighted you are invited for interview on the show?

I’m awestruck! It just keeps getting better. Simply because I am on a mission to change the world for better! and the Clock is Ticking in so many, many ways!

We are a When Good…Then Good Business – with a #Vision read on….

“When you have a Powerful, Exciting and Crydstal Clear Vision for How You Can Create Your Life and Your World, Everything Canges. And THAT’S When the Magic! Happens!

Who wants to go ‘Back to Normal?’ and WHO is up for a far better ‘New Normal?’ Tune in tomorrow when I’m sharing the Podcast! so you can find out what this is REALLY about and why every copy of the book brings with it a fruit tree planted in Malawi for food and income sources for impoversihed families and also access to books and education for girls in Cambodia.

On top of this, when the online programme launches, every programme undertaken supplies a Buddy Bag to a child in Emergency Care in the UK as a result of domestic violence or abuse.

Together, we can create a more Wonderful World! and I hope you will join me!

Have a Wonderful Day


WOW! You’ve Got This! When a Favourite #Podcaster Reads and Reviews Your #Book – Pre-order is about to Launch – and Invites You For Interview!

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