I’ll be sharing ‘How To Use Visioning To Create The Life You REALLY Want! In 3 Simple Yet Powerful Steps’.


“When You have a Powerful, Exciting and Crystal Clear #Vision of How You can #Create your #Life and Your #World Everything Changes, and THAT’S When the #Magic Happens!”

How would you like to be living the life you absolutely love? It’s all in your power. You have everything you need and you can start TODAY! You just need to be shown How! And you will need to do some work!

Here’s the link for more details: https://bit.ly/2VSkFen

Time to Move forward on Purpose, with greater Confidence, Clarity, Focus and Direction when you Switch on Your Success SAT NAV™ I’ll share where it takes You on a journey to Clear Your Mind Clutter™; open up Creative Space; reconnect with your most powerful force – your reunited Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit – to Recalibrate Your Inner Vision Compass. We’ll explore how Vital Vision™, the core of Destination™ Me Intensive 3 Step Life Change Programme, provides swift and sustainable self-transformation.

BONUS 1: Experience a couple of fun techniques for reducing and eliminating negativity – from your own inner critic when it pops up, and from other people’s negative looks and vibes!

BONUS 2: Amazing #Opportunity only for attendees. Opportunity to join my valuable new online Beta, ‘3 Step Visioneering Discovery Adventure™’ and try out the process for yourself, with my guidance. For FREE!

When this goes live in September there’ll be a fee to reflect all the years of work that have contributed to developing Destination Me™ Intensive 3 Step Life Change Programme.

Oh! and copies of my book ‘Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders’ will be available for purchase and signing too.

Read about the Power of #Vision in
Read about the Power of #Vision in Woman Power Strategies for Female Leaders

Look forward to seeing you on May 15th.


Wow! I’m SO excited to be Invited! To Speak! ‘How To Use Visioning To Create The Life You REALLY Want! In 3 Simple Yet Powerful Steps’, Nottingham Yes Group, May 15th, 2019.
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